Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Advising and Counselling (Zentrale Studienberatung)
Service Center Studium
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
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79098 Freiburg
Dr. Friedrich Arndt
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All images and videos used, unless otherwise indicated: Copyright Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.
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The Campus Tour of the University of Freiburg was developed by the project “Digital Interactive Study Orientation” of the Central Student Counselling Office. The project was funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg within the framework of the “Fonds Erfolgreich Studieren in Baden-Württemberg”.
Sources of the images used
Unless otherwise indicated, all image, sound and video content of the Campus Tour was created by Jaro Ghasemi and Wolfgang Weismann (University of Freiburg).
Front page
- Campus Tour; Cover
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg - Das Universitätszentrum; Cover
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg - Die Technische Fakultät; Cover
Harald Neumann, University Freiburg - Das Institutsviertel; Cover
Harald Neumann, University Freiburg - Timeline; Cover
Hermann Billing - Timeline; Books of the University Archive
- Timeline; University Church and Old University
University Archive - Timeline; student protests
City Archive Freiburg - Timeline; 25.000 students
Baschi Bender, University Freiburg - Timeline; new UB
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg - Timeline; University College Freiburg
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg - Timeline; Centre for Key Qualifications (ZfS)
Baschi Bender, University Freiburg - Timeline; The Faculty of Technology
Harald Neumann, University Freiburg - Timeline; Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein
Jürgen Gocke, University Freiburg
University Centre
- The University Centre; Cover
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg - The philosophers; image 2, 3, 4, 5
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg - The Kollegiengebäude I
Julia Nestlen und Robert Wolf, University Freiburg - The Kollegiengebäude III; image 2, 3
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg - The Kollegiengebäude III; image 5
Baschi Bender, University Freiburg - The Kollegiengebäude III; image 6
Harald Neumann, University Freiburg - The Karzer; Bild 6
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg - The canteen Rempartstraße
Julia Nestlen und Robert Wolf, Universität Freiburg - The University Library
Julia Nestlen und Robert Wolf, University Freiburg - Ada Rhode; image 1, 4, 6
Andreas Nagel, University Freiburg - Ada Rhode; image 2, 5
Baschi Bender, University Freiburg - Ada Rhode; image 3
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg - Das Audimax; image 1, 2, 3
Harald Neumann, University Freiburg - The Audimax; image 4, 5
Baschi Bender, University Freiburg - The Audimax; image 6
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg - The Uniseum; image 2
Baschi Bender, University Freiburg
Faculty of Technology
- The Faculty of Technology, cover
Harald Neumann, University Freiburg - Susanne Hauser; image 7
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg - The bar code
Franz Ehret - Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz; image 7
Sandra Meyndt, University Freiburg
Music rights:
- CampusTour – Jingle: Runner by Weicheng Xia (CC BY-NC 4.0) - The Student Committee Café:
Soul by Dj Quads
Those Nights by Dj Quads - The FöCa:
Sophomore Makeout by Silent Partner - The Collegiate Building I, The cafeteria in Rempartstraße, The University Library:
Hear Us Now (poptastic mix) by Scott Altham (CC BY-NC)