In the city center, there are many buildings for humanities, economics, law, and theology. The Faculties of Theology, Philology and Humanities are located in KG I. The two bronze figures of philosophers at the entrance invite you to enter.

The Philosophers

The figures represent the two halves of the human brain. The poet Homer represents the right hemisphere of the brain and thus the sciences of artistic and musical content. The philosopher and natural scientist Aristotle represents the left hemisphere of the brain and thus logical thinking.

As a freshman at university, you may be a little disoriented at first. Julia looks around for you in the Collegiate Building I.

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The Collegiate Building I

She also explains why there are two different time specifications at the University: cum tempore and sine tempore.

In KG I, the Philology Department is located on the second floor. The Classical Philology deals with the learning and research of the ancient Greek and Latin languages. Dr. Stefan Faller knows exactly what is important.

Dr. Stefan Faller

Mr. Faller, how do you learn old languages at university?

The Collegiate Buildings I, II, III and IV are the central buildings in the University center.

The Collegiate Building III

The Collegiate Building III was built in 1969 in the style of Brutalism. The French word “brut” means “raw” or “rough”, the building shows its raw concrete.

In the tower of KG I, there are two cells in which, a hundred years ago, students who misbehaved were locked up for a short time in the campus prison: the summer and the winter karzer.

The Campus Prison

However, having to go to the Campus Prison after binge drinking or vulgar behavior was not considered a punishment among students, but a kind of knightly accolade. Going to the Campus Prison was like a sport – every “real student” was there once.

The University had its own legal system and could punish evil deeds itself. In 1920, the Campus Prison punishment was abolished.

A more popular place among students is the student committee café, the so called Fachschaftscafé in Collegiate Building IV, just opposite KG I. Here,  everyone can socialize.

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The Student Committee Café

Alex knows where you can get your hot drink not only at a reasonable price, but also very congenially – and you even get a cookie for free.

Between the Collegiate Building IV and the cafeteria, there is a very central traffic artery of the university: the Rempartstraße.

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The Rempartstraße

The street in front of the University Square is a lively place at lunchtime. But where did it get its name from?

For many students, lunch is an important part of their daily routine. Accordingly, the cafeteria is very popular. Eating there is inexpensive and usually very good.

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The cafeteria in Rempartstraße

In the Freiburg cafeterias, half a ton of vegetables and a total of 4000 meals are served daily. The cafeteria does not only offer a meal, but  also a place for learning and relaxation with its large garden.

However, the Rempartstraße is not only the crucial location when it comes to taking a break. Teaching buildings are also located here, such as the Faculty of Economics.

The Library of Economics

The University of Freiburg is home to many specialized libraries. Here you can find literature on a specific subject area. However, students of other subjects can also visit these libraries: studying also means continuing your education in an interdisciplinary way.

The library is the one knowledge pool you can draw upon during your studies. Another one is the teaching staff, who, in addition to the content, teach the methodical and scientific working methods. Prof. Dr. Neumärker researches and teaches on the unconditional basic income.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker

Mr. Neumärker, is your teaching also unconditional?

The Freiburg University Library stands out in the cityscape between the city theater and the Art Nouveau Collegiate Building I. It is one of the most modern libraries in Europe and the pulsating heart of the University of Freiburg.

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The University Library

Robert explores the futuristic-looking building and looks for what you can do there as a student, apart from learning.

The media center of the University Library houses the student training editorial office uniCROSS. Here, students learn cross-media journalism: they write online texts, shoot videos, moderate on the radio, or create Instagram stories. Ada Rhode leads courses on media practice there.

Ada Rhode

Ms. Rhode, how do top-heavy students find their way into the practical media world?

You want to finish your term paper or bachelor thesis in peace and quiet? South of the university library, you will find the PC pool with many workstations.

The place to print

There are many places to print in Freiburg – but in the university’s PC pools, you can print your finished work at unbeatable prices. If you have any questions, our friendly service staff will be glad to help you.

In addition to a colorful mixture of cafés and pubs, you will also find several university institutes, such as the law and musicology departments, in the Sedan Quarter behind the University Library.

The Sedan Quarter

Because of its similarity to the DS-1 space station in the Star Wars movies, students often call the University Library in front of the Sedan Quarter the Death Star.

Another institute in the Sedan Quarter is that of Pre- and Early Historical Archaeology in Belfortstraße. Samira Fischer is a student and at the same time a tutor of archaeology. In her tutorials, she deepens the contents of lectures and is available for questions.

Samira Fischer

Samira, why do first-year students need tutoring?

So tutors provide you with professional and social support during your studies. If you have any other questions about your studies, the staff at the Service Center Studium in Sedanstraße will be glad to help you.

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Service Center Studium

Here you can also get advice on your desired field of studies. And once you have made your decision, the SCS is the place to matriculate for your studies.

If you walk past the new University Library from here, you will come across a large pool of water, which is a monument against fascism. Look around!

The Old Synagogue Square

This was the location of the Freiburg Synagogue, which was set on fire by the Nazis on November 9, 1938. The fire department was on site, but was prevented from putting out the fire.

Today, the square is a popular meeting place – also among students, for example to toast on their passed exams.

KG II on the Old Synagogue Square houses the Auditorium Maximum, or Audimax for short. This is Latin and means “largest auditorium” in English.

The Audimax

This is where the events that interest most students or are intended to reach a broad public take place – it has 788 seats. The Audimax will be closed until 2025 due to reconstruction works of the KGII.

If you walk along Bertoldstraße, you will come across the Old University Building, Alte Uni. The Uniseum is also located here.

The Uniseum

Anyone interested in the history of the university can go on a voyage of discovery in the Uniseum. Here you can learn that the rectors used to wear a golden sceptre as a sign of his office. It also shows how the activist Rudi Dutschke gave a speech in Freiburg in 1968. You can descend into the basement to the beginnings of the University, when lectures were still held in Latin.

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