Students who have chosen a subject start their studies with certain expectations.
!Please note: This element is part of the former M.Sc. FEM (Forest Ecology and Management) OSA and thus only valid for the elective track “International Forestry” (IF) of the M.Sc. Forest Sciences!
In the following, you will find a number of typical expectations many students have when they start the IF elective track at the University of Freiburg.
Some of these expectations are correct, i.e. they are largely fulfilled during the course of study. Other expectations, on the other hand, are more likely to be disappointed. Here you can test whether your expectations of the study program match the subject profile.
How does it work?
You indicate what you expect from the IF elective track by evaluating eight statements on the next pages.
We also asked current IF students and lecturers to evaluate these statements. Your answers will be compared to their expert rating afterwards.