The concept of Ecosystem Management has emerged as a new paradigm for the management of natural resources. It is based on the objectives of sustainable use and conservation of natural resources as well as fair and equitable sharing of benefits from ecosystem goods and services. Supporting this approach are explicit objectives for the management of natural resources. These can be translated into measurable goals, which lend themselves to monitoring.
Ecosystem management recognizes that ecosystems are complex and interconnected systems, which function on a range of spatial and temporal scales. While management should be based on sound science and ecological models to maintain ecosystem integrity, the approach acknowledges that the current knowledge is limited and management viewpoints are likely to change in the future. Consequently, management approaches are being viewed as hypotheses that require testing through systematic research and monitoring resulting in adaptive management.
In the Forest Sciences module Ecosystem Management, which you will attend in the second semester of the program, you will be introduced to the base concepts of Ecosystem Management. The module usually comprises of an excursion to visit the Bavarian-Bohemian Forest region, which serves as a case study to examine the Ecosystem Management approach