In this task you were required to select stakeholders important to the issue of lynx management, as well as understand the concept of primary and secondary / tertiary stakeholders.
To complete the task you had to have understood the lynx management story and been able to identify the important stakeholders of the situation. Additionally, you had to understand the primary and secondary/tertiary stakeholder concepts.
Aim of the task
This task should have given you insight into the stakeholder concept of ecosystem management, which is an integral part of the management framework. Additionally, you have now been exposed to the lynx management issue, which is an actual management dilemma of the Bavarian-Bohemian Forests. Of course, lynx management is only a small part of the more complex picture. You will delve deeply into this picture only in the excursion, which will subject you to other issues such as the spruce bark beetle outbreaks of the region.
In the Forest Sciences program, the Ecosystem Management module benefits from the culmination of skills and knowledge that students gain over the past semesters. It is a challenging but rewarding course that many students see as one of the highlights to their studies.