Test Questions Major Life Sciences – your result


The samples are supposed to give you an impression of what kind of topics you can expect in the Life Sciences Major. Note that these are just examples and that the range of topics that will be covered is actually much broader.

Sample 1 shows two methods that are used in medicine and research to make human body structures (in this case, the brain) and neural activity visible. You will learn more about these methods in your second year. The question you just answered is of medium difficulty.

Sample 2 shows, how memory B-lymphocytes form and how this formation is exploited by vaccines. Memory B-lymphocytes do not only form in response to a naturally occurring bacterium, but even if only the antigen, so only a molecule from the surface of the bacterium, is detected by B-lymphocytes. Vaccines exploit this mechanism by exposing the immune system deliberately to the antigen, so that memory B-lymphocytes form and, by this, prepare the immune system for a real emergency. This is comparable to a practice run or rehearsal.

Learn more about the Major Life Sciences.

LAS Major Life Sciences

The content of the questions is representative for the type of tasks you will be exposed to. The form of the questions, however, will vary more widely. There will be different kinds of exams, including multiple choice, open answer questions, essays, but also calculations.