Do not be afraid to apply for a scholarship!

The University of Freiburg’s scholarship information tool consolidates all the important information about applying for a scholarship.

Scholarships are an attractive but limited option to finance your studies. Their advantage is that they do not have to be repaid.

The scholarship landscape in Germany is multifaceted, which can be confusing. We support you in your search and application for a scholarship with our concise scholarship information tool.

Please note: the university of Freiburg itself does not offer full-funded scholarships!


Note for international students

Students from (other) EU countries are eligible for many of the scholarships and it can be worth investigating. However, a very good level of German language proficiency is often an important prerequisite!
Especially for students from non-EU countries, the opportunities for a scholarship in Germany and therefore also for our advising are limited. We recommend seeking advice in your home country or searching the scholarship database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Nevertheless, the information on the following pages might be helpful for your scholarship research.


Master’s students

Most scholarship providers exclude funding for students from the second master’s semester onwards. Here you can find a few providers where, in principle, this is still possible:

Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds
Dr. Arthur-Pfungst-Stiftung
Adelhausenstiftung und Leo-Ricker-Stiftung
Abschlussstipendien der Maria-Ladenburger-Stiftung

In addition, an appointment with the “Financial Aid” department of the Studierendenwerk (SWFR) might be helpful.