What does the funding include?

There is a wide range of financial support. With the Deutschlandstipendium, for example, you receive a lump sum of 300 euros per month. Many scholarship providers adjust to the BAföG rates and some add a lump sum (book allowance, study allowance or similar) of 200 euros – 300 euros. However, this may vary from scholarship provider to scholarship provider.

  • How much is the financial support?
  • What is the maximum funding period?
  • Is there any special funding for specific target groups?
    • With a child/children
    • With migration background
    • With chronic illnesses/disabilities

In addition to financial support, non-material support is often also offered. This is intended to support the scholarship holders in their personal and professional development and to provide networking opportunities and further training in the interests of the sponsor.

Which non-material support is offered?

  • Mentoring programme
  • Participation in events and courses
  • Networks